PTE Exam Voucher | PTE Vouchers | PTE Exam Booking - OSS Education

PTE Exam Voucher

Exam Name:PTE
Accepted by:Universities in the UK, Australia, and New Zealand
Mode of exam:Center-based test
More Specification(s)
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Actual Price:18000.00/-
Our Price:15300/-
You Save ₹2700/-

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Pearson Test of English (PTE)

Developed by Pearson, one of the global leaders in education companies in 2009, PTE has taken its place of prominence in the world of language proficiency. PTE is faster, more convenient, reliable, and affordable than traditional language exams like TOEFL and IELTS. It is a computer-based test accepted globally to demonstrate English proficiency in speaking, reading, writing, and listening. PTE focuses on real-world language skills ensuring test takers thrive in an English-speaking environment. Therefore, the PTE is your ticket to global opportunities which is efficient, accurate, and undeniably modern. PTE is gaining credibility with many universities, governments, and employers accepting its score as a valid English proficiency skill.

PTE Exam Voucher

The Pearson Test of English (PTE) exam voucher is a 12-digit alphanumeric code valid for paying the PTE Academic and the PTE UKVI Fees. The PTE voucher code helps candidates book a PTE exam at a lower price than the actual exam fee. The voucher code is automatically received in the registered email within 24 hours of successful payment.

PTE Exam Voucher: Usage

It’s one of the payment methods for your PTE Test fee while booking the exam online through the exam booking portal. You can apply the PTE voucher code at checkout to avail of the discount on the PTE exam fee. A PTE voucher is a full payment for the exam eliminating the need to pay any additional amount.

PTE Exam Voucher: Price

The PTE voucher is your savior against the surging price of exam fees. At OSS Education, we help you get the most affordable deal on the PTE exam. Now you can accomplish your PTE dreams while saving money of ₹4000 with the discounted PTE exam voucher. You can book your PTE exam for just ₹15300 against the actual exam fee which is ₹18000.00

Actual Price Offered Price Save
18000.00 15300 2700

PTE Exam: Main Highlights

Exam Name :


Purpose :

English Proficiency test

Official Website :

Accepted by :

Universities in the UK, Australia, and New Zealand

Mode of exam :

Center-based test

PTE Exam Fee :


Skills Tested :

English Speaking, writing, Listening and Reading

PTE Exam Eligibility

Pearson PLC Group, the conducting body of the PTE exam, has not set any specific criteria. However, if you are under 18, a Parental Consent Form must be completed. Once approved, the consent form will be valid for all the tests till you turn 18.

Types of PTE Exam

The Pearson Language Tests offers three types: PTE Academic, PTE Core, and UK visa tests to evaluate the English proficiency of students, professionals, and immigrants planning to settle abroad.

PTE Exam Pattern

The PTE Academic is sectioned into 3 parts – Speaking & Writing, Reading, and Listening. Candidates get marked on these three parts and you get the PTE Academic total score as well. Candidates looking to appear for the PTE Academic Exam can get more clarification through the PTE Exam Pattern shown in the image on the right/below.
Note: The PTE Exam Pattern has been shortened by 1 hour and now the entire PTE exam is for 2 Hours only.

PTE Exam Registration

For individuals seeking to take the PTE, valid Identification, usually a passport ID is required at the time of examination to validate your identity. However, in the absence of a valid passport ID and if you are taking PTE Academic in your country, some test centers may allow:

  • Valid, government-issued driver's license (non-digital and including a photo)
  • Military identification card
  • National identification card (non-digital)

NOTE: Ensure the test centers you are taking the test accept the mentioned IDs otherwise you’ll not be allowed to sit the exam.

Steps to register for PTE Exam

  • Open the official PTE Academic website
  • Create your Pearson account by providing your credentials.
  • Pearson will send you an email within 48 hours containing your login details.
  • The next step is to search for your nearest PTE Exam center.

  • For the PTE at Home version of the test, follow these steps

  • Choose a suitable time and PTE date to appear for the PTE examination.
  • After selecting all your details including time, date, and PTE slot you will be directed to the checkout page.
  • Apply the voucher code you received in your email when you buy a discounted PTE voucher from us. In case, you don’t have the voucher, pay the PTE test Fee of ₹18000.00 Indian rupees and finalize your PTE exam booking.

PTE Exam Day Tips

Here are a few important instructions for the candidates taking the PTE exam:

  • Arrive 30 minutes early before your scheduled reporting time at the PTE Academic Exam Center to avoid last-minute stress.
  • Make sure you bring an acceptable ID, usually your passport. Without it, you can’t take your test.
  • Ensure your booking credentials match your ID. Contact customer support if you have any issues.

Upon arrival, they will do certain things to confirm your identity:

  • See your ID and check the details exactly match your booking
  • Take a digital photograph of you
  • Ask for your digital signature
  • Scan the palm of your hand

PTE Results and Score

PTE Results are generally available online within 2 working days of the exam date. Students can access their results through the PTE Academic student account. Pearson will email you as soon as the test score is available, usually within 48 hours containing instructions on accessing the results online. Subsequently, you must follow the guidelines to log in to your Pearson account. Candidates can share their results digitally with the colleges and universities of their choice via a Pearson account.

There are several reasons why your scores can take more days to confirm certainty (your score is right every time), and security (to ensure the person who took the test is who they say).

Your score report contains:

  • Your details and photo
  • Your Test Registration ID and Score Report Code
  • Your overall score (between 10-90) with 10 being the lowest.
  • A detailed breakdown of your performance in each section.

Validity of the PTE Test Scores

Your PTE Academic exam score is valid for 2 years from the date you take the exam.


Here are some frequently asked questions related to the PTE Exam.

Q.1: How can I choose the right PTE exam?
Ans: The Pearson Language Tests consist of three types: PTE Academic, PTE Core, and UK visa tests. Each test serves different purposes for students, professionals, and immigrants planning to settle abroad. You may check their main website to see which one suits your goals.
Q.2: When do we get the PTE academic exam results?
Ans: PTE exam results are available online within two working days from the exam date. The result can be accessed from your PTE Academic student account. You can access the results from the email you receive from Pearson by following certain instructions mentioned in the email. Sometimes, it can take more than 2 days to ensure certainty and security.
Q.3: How many attempts are allowed for the PTE Academic Exam?
Ans:No limit was maintained for the number of attempts, however, there should be a gap of 5 days of taking the exam.
Q.4: Is the PTE Academic test harder than the IELTS exam?
Ans: Both PTE Academic and IELTS are designed to evaluate English language proficiency. Therefore, both exams assess reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills even if they are differently designed. There is no question about the exam being difficult or easy. It only needs determination, preparation, and consistency to pass the exam.


We hope the information above will help you approach your PTE efficiently. If you need further assistance, our dedicated team is here to support you every step of the way. Moreover, you can save on PTE exam fees with our discounted PTE vouchers to make your journey smoother and more affordable.